Design, development and maintenance of management software based on process model analysis

Starting from an innovative design methodology already studied and validated in the academic field (Polytechnic and University of Turin), SIRIO automates the translation of the deliverables of the analysis and design phases of management IT applications into immediately executable and interpretable code.
The development of the SIRIO prototype was achieved through 4 closely integrated sequential phases:
Preparation of the executive platform of the information system and the development environment by choosing the suitable open-source components, taking into account their state of development and mutual incompatibilities
Theoretical integration of data, processes and activities in a metamodel that defines its structure and the corresponding repository: while the meaning of the models is an absolute value, it was a question of defining the most convenient representation for the chosen reference infrastructure
Realization of the operationality of the proposed approach through the research and design of export and code generation tools, from which the software applications that make up the real information system will result.
We dealt with a fundamental component, the Process Manager, with innovative features of integration with company data and management of collaborations based on web services.
Experimental development is part of the arena of management software production environments and competes simply with C, JAVA, ORACLE, DOTNET, SAP / ABAP, etc.
16 Months
2.2 - Industrial research and / or experimental development project
Project value
€ 1.023.000
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activities I.1.3 - I Annual program for research and innovation projects and services)