ICT applied to intelligent peripherals, addressed to education and training field.

The study validated the feasibility of the system, demonstrating the effectiveness of a virtual assistant able to express those emotional aspects that are fundamental for teaching musical language.
After the feasibility study, the company decided to invest its own resources to continue the project, tackling the system’s research, development and production phases.
The resulting product was the Canta Con Me mobile app, a voice tuner able to perceive voice quality and to report any errors in intonation. The app is also an interactive metronome and as well as voices it also recognises the beats forming a rhythm, helping people to improve their singing skills. The interface is based on play and entertainment and focuses on feelings to activate the learning process in a light-hearted and pleasant way. The application isn’t limited to singing and can capture any kind of musical performance, providing the performer with the sequence of notes produced, even with musical instruments, and thus providing valid support for one’s own evaluation of the progress made in his or her musical studies. Canta Con Me was made available through the biggest app stores in mid-2012, thus turning the initial innovative idea into concrete reality.
6 Months
2.1 - Feasibility studies
Project value
€ 18.000
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activities I.1.3 - I Annual program for research and innovation projects and services)