Credit Rating Decision Support System and Forecast Guru

In a general macro-economic climate of crisis, where one of the biggest problems facing companies is the difficulty in getting access to credit, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses, financial intermediaries, public authorities and institutions to have access to avant-garde tools that allow them to overcome current ‘rating models’, introducing new evaluation methods for judging the solvency of different market players and their ability to pay their debts. The Forecast Guru study aims to:
- improve on the backdated rating approach, developing a ‘prospective rating’ as well as a ‘past rating’ that can provide advice on where to invest;
- develop an innovative service, thanks to IT standardisation and SaaS, that is economically viable for Italian SMEs even independently of each other, so that they will no longer be ignorant of their own financial standing and the future they are probably facing.
The study will investigate the development and creation of a Software-as-a-Service prototype called Forecast Guru, which can be accessed using the Web, able to provide companies with a complete credit on merit profile, thus becoming a valuable decision-making aid, both in terms of credit for channelling funding and resources towards more virtuous companies as well as in terms of decision-making.
18 Months
2.2 - R&D project
Partner altri poli
Project value
€ 92.000
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activity I.1.3 - First Intermediate Call 2011 intended for facilities for technical feasibility studies preliminary to industrial research and experimental development activities and for Research and Innovation Services, reserved for subjects aggregated to the Innovation Poles)