Evaluation of Live Scanner Acquisition using USB3

The feasibility study has the aim to determine and identify the guidelines which will serve to implementation all of our companies live scanners, starting from MS527, the USB3.0 interface will progressively substitute USB2.0, implemented on our current family of devices. The feasibility of the solution will allow Green Bit to have a solution aligned with the trend technology of the international target market and be the first to offer it to the market reference. The business model of Green Bit is based on the B2B model, and this option will be offered with this modality; it will be proposed for System Integrators or Solution Provider who will use within their applications.
10 Months
2.1 - Feasibility studies
Project value
€ 40.795
Project co-financed within the Innovation Poles of the Piedmont Region (POR FESR 2007/2013, Axis I, Activity I.1.3 - Call for Feasibility Studies 2013)