AUTomotive hUman Mobile Network 2

The project allowed the involved companies to lay the foundations for an increase in competitiveness, since they have been developed knowledge previously not available, thus allowing an increase in business know-how. Each partner will use the business model already experienced and will orient its revenue from consulting, services and products, according to their identity.

Akhela will use the results of the project to strengthen its presence and establish new services based on mobile in the car and drive through the mobile communication, for companies operating in the automotive market in which there is almost 10 year old.

Experientia updated business skills in the automotive context, through the search for new models of safe interaction between man and machine on board the vehicle.

SSB Progetti has gained the experience necessary to configure a set of basic services used in the production of complete fleet management solutions where there are crucial interactions with end users. This project has led to an operational fleets management solution called Yarm, an extremely useful system for any company that needs to manage a fleet of vehicles for their business, but also for companies of car sharing or rental offering vehicles to their customers (

For the Mario Boella Institute the project activities and the prototype development have helped maintain, update and improve their skills in the field of service design and service of automotive type. ISMB increased internal resources to implement the project activities, and is considering possible collaborations with manufacturers, Tier-1, and service platforms, as well as explore opportunities for continuation of activities up to the final engineering and commercialization of the service.




28 Months


2.1 - Feasibility studies


Project value

€ 754.000


Progetto cofinanziato nell'ambito dei Poli di Innovazione della Regione Piemonte (POR FESR 2007/2013, Asse I, Attività I.1.3 - III Programma annuale per i progetti e i servizi per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione)