
Today Teseo, the Italian subsidiary of Clemessy, which belongs to the Eiffage Group, acts as its centre of expertise for radiofrequency, fibre optics and electronics applications.
Structured into three business units, Teseo is recognised as a highly qualified system integrator specialising in providing test solutions to a wide range of industries from aerospace & defense to automotive and transportation, from telecommunications to medical and from electronics to energy.
The three business units are:
Teseo Systems, which provides turn-key solutions in two main areas: (a) test equipment and world class manufacturing tools, and (b) embedded systems and RF/telemetry applications
Teseo RF-EMC-EMI solutions and products, including fibre optic links and amplifiers
Teseo Services which range from RF-EMC testing to preventive maintenance and calibration, including corrective maintenance and obsolescence management in coordination with the engineering department.
Quality is naturally a key competitive factor and is reflected in the ISO9001:2008, ISO9100:2009 and ISO17025:2005 certifications, in addition to several customer qualifications obtained.
Strategic paths
- Internet of Things
Application fields
- Aerospace
- Automotive
Small Enterprise
Corso Alexander Fleming 25-27-29 Torino TO
+39 011 9941911
Foundation year
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