P.I. Computers

P.I. Computers s.r.l. it is based in Alessandria and specializes in consulting for the business organization management of SMEs and Public Administration. We help companies by studying and automating all business areas to improve their management and simplify their processes.
In particular:
ERP management systems: we create systems that integrate all the most important processes, from administration to production. We collaborate in the development of the TARGET-CROSS multi-platform software
CRM: we collaborate in the development of the OMNIS-CRM software that allows you to effectively organize all processes, from the first meeting to sales and assistance.
Public Administration: we are partners and suppliers of Certified Software (SISCOM) for the P.A. We provide solutions in the field of economic, financial, administrative, demographic and tax services
Privacy: we assist organizations for all legal, organizational and technological activities required by the GDPR.
Training: we are a consultancy structure specializing in the analysis of business needs and the development of training courses. We assist companies in training financed by interprofessional funds (Fondo For.Te – Fondimpresa – Fonservizi)
KETs (Key Enabling Technologies):
In the context of digital transformation we are investigating the topics related to Cyber security, internet of things, System integration and Big data by planning investments in solutions based on AI and Blockchain
Strategic paths
- (Big) Data Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blockchain & Web3
- Cybersecurity
- Internet of Things
Application fields
- Circular Economy
- Digital Transformation
- Education and Training
- Government
- Health and Wellness
- Industry 4.0
- Social Innovation

Filiere innovative
Small Enterprise
Corso 100 Cannoni 14 - 15121 - Alessandria
+39 013 1254367
Foundation year
Useful links