Link Campus University

Link Campus University was admitted into the Italian University System by decree of the Minister for Education, University and Research (n. 374 – 21 September 2011) and following a favourable opinion of the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research (Anvur).
We have a strong international vocation, actualized through the realization of various agreements with international universities, for the purpose of promoting the mobility of teachers and students.
The aim of Link Campus University is to provide the students with the knowledge and competencies required to enter the labour market, granting a wide range of courses, seminars, and workshops. All the educational paths are available in presence (in full compliance with the current regulations) and on our online platform.
The students will have the opportunity to be confronted with case studies; attend courses in English and Italian; and to share their knowledge and competencies in an interdisciplinary environment.
The values transmitted by Link Campus University are represented by the coherence between knowledge and practice; with particular attention to the principles of collaborative didactics and human solidarity.
Strategic paths
- Cybersecurity
- Web & Mobile
Application fields
- Circular Economy
- Culture and Tourism
- Digital media
- Digital Transformation
- Education and Training
- Energy and Environment
- Social Innovation
Research Body
Via del Casale di San Pio V, 44 - 00165, Roma (RM)
+39 069 4802270
Foundation year
Useful links