ZeroCarta Recruit©

Digital 4 Social Value-Chain

Provided by

4 Zeta
4 Zeta
Polo ICT

What is it

The exclusive procedure for managing the signing of a contract digitally from a PC, tablet or smartphone connected to the Internet, with absolute legal value, thus eliminating paper altogether.

Provided by

4 Zeta
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The ZeroCarta Recruit© procedure has been designed for the recruitment of Direct Sales Representatives (ex L. 173/2005), but it can also be used and adapted for the recruitment of collaborators with any kind of classification.




The advantage of this procedure is obvious: recruiters can sign the collaboration contract in real time, on their own device, thus significantly shortening and simplifying the operations for their entry into the business.

How the ZeroCarta Recruit© procedure works: to start the procedure, the employee simply registers and clicks on the “sign contract” button. They will then receive an e-mail and sign the document using a wizard. At the end of the process, the employee will receive the signed document by e-mail and will be able to access their private area, where they will find a copy. The contract will be legally valid after it has been digitally archived in accordance with the law. In this way, all information is dematerialised, with a great reduction in time, avoiding waste of paper and accumulation of folders.

Application Markets

Consulting Firms

Healthcare / Social Services

Other Services

Professional Services

Solution Progress

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