Il Nodo

IL NODO Consorzio Società Cooperativa Sociale, an emanation of Confcooperative Piemonte Nord, is inspired by the principles that are at the basis of the worldwide cooperative movement and acts in relation to them. These principles are: mutuality – solidarity – associations between cooperatives – respect for the person – the priority of man over money – internal and external democracy.

The Consortium recognizes in the network, understood in terms of relationships and collaborations between cooperatives with public and private entities, not only a useful tool for affirming solidarity but an indisputable principle that allows, through synergistic actions, the promotion of territories, the growth of resources people, innovation and development.

We deal with business creation and development – social innovation – training and orientation – development and innovation – studies and research – networking – education and school – human resources – social inclusion – analysis and experimentation – networks and partnerships – business models – ICT and communication – civil service – occupational safety – equal opportunities.

Strategic paths

  • Advanced UI & UX
  • Big Data & Analytics
  • Cloud Computing
  • Internet of Things
  • Connectivity

Application fields

  • Agrifood
  • Circular Economy
  • Culture and Tourism
  • Digital media
  • Digital Transformation
  • Education and Training
  • Energy and Environment
  • Health and Wellness
  • Social Innovation


Corso Francia 15 10015 Torino (To)


Foundation year

